Cinnamon Rolls Recipe

Cinnamon Rolls Recipe

This is a simple, delicious recipe made from items typically found in the pantry. They make for a quick and easy dessert option and are a favourite to add into school lunches as a treat!

I first made this recipe in my high school home economics class and I have to say it's probably my favourite one from "those days." It's been one of those recipes I've kept in my personal recipe book and intend to keep for years to come. I hope this brings a little treat to your family table!

Cinnamon Rolls Recipe


2 cups flour

1/4 cup granulated sugar

1 tbsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 cup margarine

1/2 cup milk

1 egg


Combine dry ingredients into a medium sized bowl. Cut margarine into dry mixture with a pastry cutter - if you don't have this fancy tool I simply use my just-washed hands and smoosh the margarine into the flour mixture. Combine thoroughly until it looks a little like oatmeal. Combine egg and milk into a liquid measuring cup and mix them together thoroughly. Slowly add the milk and egg mixture to the dry mix.

Clean and flour a countertop space where you'll roll out your pastry dough. Sprinkle flour onto the rolling pin. Bring your pastry dough onto the flour surface and begin to roll out. Create a long, rectangular shape with your dough. 

Melt 2 tbsp margarine in the microwave, this will act as the binding for your dough to sugar and cinnamon mix. Combine 1/4 cup of brown sugar and 2 tsp of cinnamon in a separate bowl, mix this up thoroughly. Pour your melted margarine over the pastry dough, use the back of a spoon to spread evenly over dough or a pastry brush. Then sprinkle your cinnamon and sugar mixture over the pastry dough. If you come up short on the cinnamon and sugar mixture simply add more to cover the entire pastry. 

Time to roll up that dough! Start by creating a small ridge with the dough edge closest to you. Roll it up evenly across the length of the dough so you get beautiful swirls when you're done. Once you've rolled up all the dough into a long "log" use a chef's knife to slice even sections of rolls. I typically will divide into 1" slices. Place each roll onto a parchment lined cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 20 - 25 minutes. Makes approximately 15 rolls (dependent on how you roll out your dough). If you want to keep the rolls more perfectly held together, I have made these in lined muffin tins and it helps that final "wing" stay tucked in and make perfect rounds.  

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